Portable Generator Usage Tips

Here are a few generator usage tips you should keep in mind:

Portable Generator Saftey Usage Tips
  • Wattage - Determine what appliances you will be able to run with the wattage guide.
  • Testing - Perform a dry run of your generator to make sure you are familiar of how you will operate it during a power outage.
  • Flashlight - Keep a flashlight handy to find your way to your generator.
  • Location - Keep your generator conveniently located.
  • Electric Start - If your generator is equipped with electric start, keep the battery charged.
  • Lubrication - Run your generator occasionally to keep the engine well lubricated.
  • Powering Your Generator - Keep an adequate supply of fresh gasoline and extension cords. Use fuel stabilizer if you plan on extended storage.
  • Plugging In - Plug in appliances one at a time being careful not to overload the circuits.
  • Cool After Use - Allow your generator to adequately cool-down before storing.
  • Cover - Use a storage cover to keep the generator free of dirt and debris.


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